Why Ruby class methods aren't always private (and how to fix it)
Accidentally exposing methods as public in `class << self` is surprisingly easy

How to automatically run automated tests and code analyzers via Git hooks
Run CI tools locally for a smoother workflow

A Decade in Australia: a home away from home
🇦🇺 My 10th Austranniversary

My Favorite Rails Upgrade Strategy
Ditch the rake task and try this method instead

How to run your feature specs using Capybara and Headless Chrome
Enjoy faster testing!

How to setup multiple Heroku accounts (for heroku-cli)

[Ruby] How to get the name of the calling method?

New blog theme

Prevent Rails from writing development/test log files

Puma vs. Unicorn

Rake task to import a production DB dump

Why I regenerated my SSH key and maybe you should too

What is "frozen_string_literal" in Ruby?
Why use this magic comment?

If you really need to create a monkey patch, do it properly

CampJS 2014 - the best geek event I ever attended

How to use command line on macOS

What's on my macOS menu bar

An awesome Wiki built with Ruby and Rails!

Have a Rails 2 app? You can run it on the newest Ruby!

Interesting script written in Ruby: "The Globe"

Hellо, I am a compiler

Getting root permission to change a file without leaving Vim

A simple way to deploy your Rails applications